Extension Services Office



All extension services’ programs and projects of Northern Negros State College of Science and Technology carry the banner name PaG-ULIKID (e.g. PaG-ULIKID Pagkaon, PaG-ULIKID Ikaayong-lawas, PaG-ULIKID Palibot, etc.), an acronym which stands for Partnership for Good: Unconstrained Life-improving Initiatives from the Kindhearted for the Impoverished and the Disadvantaged.

In Hiligaynon dialect, pag-ulikid means “looking back to help” which exemplifies one of the most admirable values of Filipinos. This is a future-oriented value that seeks to create a cycle of helping, replicating the good deeds once received from others. PaG-ULIKID shares in the responsibility to actively participate in the development of the community partner.     As an extension services program, its aims to make NONESCOST and partners closer to the community by providing services geared toward achieving good quality of life (Partnership for Good – “PaG”). Driven by the passion to serve, it is selfless in rendering its services although its actions shall be dependent on the Needs Assessment and on the Extension Agenda (Unconstrained Life-improving Initiatives“ULI”). In order to carry out the Extension Agenda, NESO shall seek partnership and linkages from the kindhearted (“K”) and willing private individuals, government organizations (GOs), and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in local, national, and international levels for funding. The prospective clients/beneficiaries are adults, children, students, out-of-school youths, housewives and husbands, elderly, who are less-fortunate and deprived of opportunities to improve life considered as Impoverished and Disadvantaged (“ID”).


“Empowering people to help himself and others for poverty alleviation, sustainable economic self-sufficiency and moral recovery.”

The guiding philosophy of NONESCOST Extension Program are as follows:

  1. The effectiveness of the program can be measured based on its impact on the lives of the people and the community it caters.
  2. Extension that is anchored on strong research that respond to the actual needs its service area for sustainable socio-economic and rural development through proper adoption of knowledge and resource utilization and conservation.
  3. Extension programs that supplement and relate the extension program of other agencies, institutions at the local and regional levels and support national programs on country side development and poverty reduction.


An empowered, resilient, and sustainable partner communities through research-based technology diffusion and commercialization.


Lead relevant, sustainable and inclusive community engagement towards positive social transformation.


Research driven community engagement for poverty alleviation, income generation and economic stability to promote holistic development with partner communities.


  1. To diffuse research-based technology in the service area that will provide knowledge and skills for sustainable livelihood.
  2. To generate research-based and gender responsive extension programs for community development.
  3. To establish and develop networks and linkages with government agencies, government organizations and non-government organizations, both local and foreign, for funding and other resources to support the extension programs and projects of the college.
  4. To enhance the capability of the institution for sustainable community engagement.
  5. To encourage collective action between the institution and the partner community in initiating trainings, seminars, advocacy, and capability building for sustainable development.
  6. To develop extension programs aligned with the (17) seventeen Sustainable Development Goals.

Extension Activities

Message from the Head of Office

Extension service is one of the four fold functions of every State Universities and Colleges, hence (NONESCOST) is committed to provide its service area the effective programs and services.  The said programs and services is extended to the community in a form of knowledge enhancement and skills empowerment program which can help in the alleviation of poverty, prevention of crimes, maintenance of health and sanitation, environment awareness and disaster preparedness through trainings and seminars.

Director, Extension Services

Office Description

Extension service is one of the four fold functions of every State Universities and Colleges, hence (NONESCOST) is committed to provide its service area the effective programs and services.  The said programs and services is extended to the community in a form of knowledge enhancement and skills empowerment program which can help in the alleviation of poverty, prevention of crimes, maintenance of health and sanitation, environment awareness and disaster preparedness through trainings and seminars.


         “Empowering man help himself and others”


         An empowered, productive, self-reliant, and vigilant, individual/community in the service area.


         To make NONESCOST an instrument of increasing productivity, alleviating the quality of people’s lives and protecting the environment and sustaining biodiversity in its service areas.



Massive mandated
Programs on Poverty
Alleviation and Environment
Conservation through
Teaching, Trainings and

NONESCOST banner Program PaG-ULIKID stands for; Partnership for Good: Unconstrained Life-improving Initiatives from the Kindhearted for the Impoverished and the Disadvantaged

Partnership for Good (PaG): The Goal

         The basic goal of this program is making NONESCOST and partners closer to the community by providing services which are geared toward achieving good quality of life.

Unconstrained Life-improving Initiatives (ULI): The Nature and Components

         The program has no restrictions as to the nature of services to offer; its action shall be dependent to the results of needs assessment in the community. However, it shall give priority to the following thrusts:

            -Adult/Child Education and Skills Training (Bringing the school to the countryside);

            -Health Mission and Advocacy (Bringing health care providers to the ‘barrio’);

            -Environmental Protection and Rehabilitation;

            -Production and Entrepreneurship Training;

            -Technology Education and Transfer;

            -Peace and Order Promotion and Maintenance;

            -Scholarships; and

            -Many others

Kindhearted (K): The Partners

         NONESCOST shall seek partnership and linkage from the kind and willing private individuals, government organizations (GOs), and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in local, nationaland international levels for funding and services in kind.

Impoverished and Disadvantaged (ID): The Clientele/Beneficiaries

            The prospective clients are adults, children, students, out-of-school youths, housewives and husbands, elderly, etc. who are less-fortunate and deprived of opportunities to improve life.

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