Notice of Search for One (1) Private Sector Representative to the State University of Northern Negros (SUNN) Board of Regents (BOR)

The Board of Regents (BOR) of SUNN publicly announces that the acceptance of the application/nominations for One (1) Private Sector Representative is extended until 饾悈饾悶饾悰饾惈饾惍饾悮饾惈饾惒 饾煆饾煋, 饾煇饾煄饾煇饾煋.
NONESCOST CLASS OF 2022 – Alumni Tracer

Calling the graduates of 2022 – we want to hear from you! Tell us more about your career paths, two years after graduation, and help the university with its Graduate Tracer Study. This is essential for the institution to measure its performance and recalibrate its strategies to come up with better services for our community.…